Month: <span>March 2019</span>
Month: March 2019

Hits Deep Tour

I went to see the Hits Deep Tour with Toby Mac, We are Messengers, Jeremy Camp, Jordan Felix, Ryan Stevenson, and Aaron Cole. What an amazing performance. You could just feel the positivity in the air. The crowd, all gathered to watch …


Life has a way of changing people. Some change for the better, some change for the worse, and some have no clue of how they changed through the process of it all. I fit into the last category. Life gripped me by …

Old Age

Old age happens. It doesn’t happen over night. When we are young, we are in a hurry to grow up. Once we are grown up, we wish for time to slow down. My grandparents are getting up there in age. And there’s …

Two weeks later…

The number on the scale still says 189.2. I won’t give up, but it is frustrating to scale back on portions, snacks, and soda and not see a difference. Hopefully soon I will start being able to make bigger changes that will …

The Darkest Minds

#darkestminds #reading #books I have read the first two books in the “Darkest Minds” series by Alexandra Bracken. I’m currently reading the third book, “In the After light.” I’m really loving this series. I just found out there’s also three novellas in …


Yesterday I drank more soda than I planned. But I’m not beating myself up over. I’ll do better today. When I oops on trying to do better, the knee-jerk reaction is to just keep doing bad. It’s habit. “I’ll never do better… …