Month: <span>May 2021</span>
Month: May 2021

Dear Brittany

Dear Brittany,Every day I’m thankful I get to wake up beside you. Each day, I know I am blessed to have you as my wife. At night, I love to fall asleep with my arm around you, making you know you are …

Spirituality verses Religion

Spirituality isn’t the same as being religious. Many mistake the two. You don’t have to be religious to believe in a higher power. You don’t find your spirituality inside a church or inside of a Bible. Spirituality is awakening oneself to see …

My Wife is Strong

Dear Wife, Some think strength is about how much weight you can lift. Your strength comes from the heaviness of the world around you trying to bring you to your knees, yet you keep standing up. I have seen you withstand so …