Month: <span>May 2022</span>
Month: May 2022

Your Self-Worth

They told you who they thought you were. You weren’t good enough. You weren’t smart enough. You weren’t pretty/handsome enough. You weren’t fast enough. You weren’t strong enough. Every time they spoke, more and more of your self-worth went away until it …

My Peace

I don’t have to let the every day things take away my peace. I can choose to get worked up, upset, and lose focus or I can choose to ground myself and focus on what brings me peace. I don’t have to …

Let Go, Let God

There are things in life I have no control over. I want to be able to fix things, make them better, and I can’t. There are times when my heart hurts for those around me and my soul struggles because I can’t …

Some Place Peaceful

I hope you find some place that gives you peace. A place you go when everything else is just too much and you can get your mind right. Sometimes all you need is that break to find yourself again.

No Matter What Happens

No matter what happens, I am here. I am here in the good times and the bad times. I am here when my own plate is full and you think what you have going on is too much for me. It’s not. …

You Are…

You really are what you think. If you fill your mind with negative thoughts, you begin to see yourself that way. If you put positive thoughts into your mind, in time you will naturally think that way. It isn’t easy to retrain …

Star of Bethlehem

The Star of Bethlehem is a Bach flower remedy that is good in situations involving shock or trauma. This remedy brings comfort and consolation, allowing the user to be able to cope emotionally.

Dream it, Achieve it

I believe in you to dream your dreams and to be able to achieve them. It might not be easy. You may fall down a few times. Keep going. You will get to where you are meant to be.

True to your Heart

There is nothing wrong with you. People will come into your life and want to change you. They will create flaws in their mind of you. They will speak these lies to you so they can hurt your heart. Do not change …

Talks with God

There are many ways in which people cope with the things they’ve been through. If you combine physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing together, the healing tends to be on another level. Part of my healing journey has been reconnecting with God. …