Month: <span>February 2023</span>
Month: February 2023

Balanced Third Eye Chakra

A balanced third eye chakra brings about a higher level of intuition. There is a knowing that all is working towards a greater good and that everything will be okay. One with an open third eye has a healthy perspective on life …

Third Eye Chakra

When the third eye chakra energy flow is decreased or blocked, there may be symptoms that follow. Some may experience nightmares, hallucinations, headaches, learning difficulties, poor vision, neurological issues, or glaucoma. We can take the time to focus on the third eye, …

Breath work

Breath work brings our focus to the present. As we deepen our breathing it relaxes our body and lets us feel grounded. Once our bodies feel grounded, our vibrations increase. Breath work opens us up to more meaningful connection.

Truth Is

Truth Is — Read on

Balanced Crown Chakra

A balanced crown chakra comes with certain characteristics. An individual will be at peace with their self. They will understand there is a higher purpose and accept it. We know that everything is going to work out and it will work out …

Energy Flow

Energy flow through our chakras keeps us aligned and balanced. When our crown chakra is lacking energy flow, we may notice symptoms occurring. We may feel depression, confused, or exhausted. When we take the steps to have energy flowing through our chakras, …