Month: <span>March 2023</span>
Month: March 2023


We all have fears of some kind. For some, it might be the fear of failing while others it’s the fear of falling. We get used to pushing our fears aside and avoiding them. We keep ourselves safe this way, but we …


Trying β€” Read on

Positive Mind

Positive Mind β€” Read on


Question β€” Read on


Life β€” Read on

Occipital Neuralgia

Occipital neuralgia involves a neurological condition in which one may have shooting, shocking, throbbing, burning, or aching pain as a headache that generally starts at the base of the head. There are natural ways to help when this pain occurs. A warm …

Sacral Chakra

When our sacral chakra lacks energy flow, we may feel signs of it in our appendix, bladder, hips, intestines, sexual organs, and the pelvic region. Common issues with a blocked sacral chakra include addiction, diarrhea, constipation, and sexual dysfunction. We can work …

Intention Setting

One thing we all are capable of doing is intention setting. We can set the intention to heal. What we put out to the universe has a way of coming back to us. We all want to heal. We want to heal …

Mind-Body Connection

The mind-body connection shows the link between thoughts, emotions, attitudes, behaviors, and physical health. The emotions we feel have an impact on how our body is doing. Most often the body will let us know when something isn’t working properly. We become …


Everything around us is energy. We are energy. Energy doesn’t end. It shifts. It can be sent. It can be used to heal.