Month: <span>September 2023</span>
Month: September 2023

I Will Be Grateful

The Reiki principle of “just for today I will be grateful” holds great importance in the practice of Reiki. Gratitude is a powerful emotion that can transform our perspective and bring about positive changes in our lives. Here are a few reasons …

Chronic Inflammation

Chronic inflammation refers to a long-lasting, persistent inflammation in the body. Inflammation is a natural immune response that helps the body fight off harmful stimuli, such as infections or injuries. However, in cases of chronic inflammation, the immune system continues to release …

Anti-Aging Nutrients

There are numerous factors to help with aging. Genetics, environment, hormones, digestive health, and nutrition all play a roll in the aging process. These items may all trigger a quicker aging-process, but they’re all within our control as well. We can take …

I Will Not Be Angry

One of the 5 Reiki Principles is, “Just for Today, I will not be Angry.” How can this principle help us as we go through our day? Well, it can hold a great importance in helping us navigate through our day in …

Cleansing Healing Rituals

Cleansing healing rituals are practices aimed at purifying and restoring harmony to the mind, body, and spirit. These rituals can vary across different cultures and belief systems, but they often involve the use of certain elements or techniques to remove negative energies, …

Health can affect Our Hormones

Our health has a significant impact on our hormones. Hormones are chemical messengers that regulate various processes in our bodies, including growth, metabolism, reproduction, and mood. When our health is compromised, it can disrupt the delicate balance of hormones in our system. …

Do Not Worry

Do not worry is an important reiki principle. The 5 Reiki principles, also known as the Reiki precepts or Reiki affirmations, are a set of guidelines to help practitioners live a balanced and harmonious life. Here are the 5 Reiki principles: These …

Reiki Symbols

Reiki symbols are sacred symbols used in the practice of Reiki, a healing technique originating from Japan. The symbols themselves don’t create the power. The strength lies in the practitioner’s focus and the movement of making the symbols. Below are five common …


Rest Rest — Read on

Guided Meditation

Guided meditation is a practice where an experienced teacher or a recorded voice guides you through a meditation session. It typically involves relaxing the body and mind while focusing on specific thoughts, imagery, or sensations. The guide provides instructions for breathing, visualization, …


Rosemary is a fragrant evergreen shrub that is commonly used in cooking. It has needle-like leaves that are dark green on top and silver-gray on the underside. Rosemary has a strong, pine-like aroma and a slightly minty, peppery taste. It is often …