Thankful for my wife
Thankful for my wife

Thankful for my wife

Fall Fun at Dickert Farm

I was going about my day and I decided I just needed to take a moment to write. I needed to take a moment to write about the person who has changed my life for the better. This picture is of me and my wife. I recently told her I wanted to spend some time on developing my writing on this blog. She has confidence in me even when I’m not quite sure of the direction I’m going. We haven’t had the easiest relationship. We’ve actually had a lot of people who have tried to say and do things that were cruel, heartless, and abusive. People who we trusted and thought cared about us. But here we are. A little over 3 years later, stronger than ever. We have stumbled along the way, but the great thing about falling in love with your best friend is that we have always been there to catch the other. I’ve learned things about her, and her about me, and we have found what works best for us. She is an amazing mom. She’s talented, smart, beautiful. She has a good heart. I’m very lucky God decided she would be my person. I’ll spend the rest of my life making sure she knows how much she means to me and how thankful I am for her. The crazy thing is, I know she will do the same thing for me. She is my truth. She is my soulmate. With her beside me, there truly is nothing I can’t do, nothing I can’t accomplish, no day I can’t face, no obstacle I can’t overcome. On my hard days, she’s beside me. On my weakest days, she’s my strength. She will always be my focus. I love her, I love our family. Together, we grow. I’ll thank God every day for her and for our kids.


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