

Angelica is a an herb that the root, seed, leaf, and fruit may be used for medicinal purposes. The herb contains substances that help to relax and soothe an irritated stomach. It contains antispasmodic properties that help with indigestion, heart burn, and gas. Angelica may also help ease nervousness and insomnia. This plant has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help to boost the immune system. It also supports the digestive and respiratory tracts. The anti-hypertensive and anti-arthrosclerotic properties make it beneficial for cardiovascular health. Angelica helps with circulation and has vasodilative effects.

Some parts of the herb may be eaten raw. The stalks and leaves may be added to salads or used as garnishes. Steaming the herb and eating it as a side dish is also a possibility. Some sites offer it as tea, tinctures, or capsules.

As with any new supplement or herb you are planning on taking, it’s best to check with your primary care physician. Angelica should be avoided by those who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Caution is advised for those on blood thinners or those with high blood pressure.

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