Moon Phases
Moon Phases

Moon Phases

Moon phases are powerful and affect our energy.

Full moons help us to feel grounded. New moons are good for intention setting and help to raise our energy. Eclipses, that happen a few times a year with the new and full moons, are a time for growth and change. They promote turning points in life.

We can tap into the energy of the moon more by spending time meditating. During a full moon we can take the time to release what doesn’t serve our greater good. We can work at setting intentions and manifesting during the new moon. We can use crystals and candles during our rituals. If you are able to, being in a body of water during the full moon, new moon, or eclipses may help to increase your energy as well.

We want to avoid over stressing or starting something new during these moon phases. We want to keep our focus on the here and now. Offer gratitude during your rituals for the blessings the moon will bring.

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