Mind-Body Medicine
Mind-Body Medicine

Mind-Body Medicine

Mind-body medicine isn’t a pill you take. It’s ways to take care of your mind and body together. Activities such as meditation, breathing techniques, tai chi, and yoga allow us the opportunity to focus inward. We are present in the moment and it lets us be in tune with our body and mind at the same time. We may also benefit from prayer and guided imagery. Both are equally important for the mind-body connection.

When our mind and body are aligned, it helps us to fight disease. It also helps to promote overall wellness and balance. We are capable of using our thoughts and our emotions to improve our physical health. People with a negative mind set may have lower immunity to fight off illness. It is a mind over matter aspect. When we have negative reactions or suffer from large amounts of stress, the body responds by releasing certain hormones. For some, the body remains in fight or flight constantly. Being in this state weakens the body’s natural ability to fight off infection.

When we engage in mind-body medicine, we can promote relaxation, even in stressful situations. It also helps us to improve our coping skills. With these techniques, we can lessen pain, reduce tension, and lead a healthier lifestyle.

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