Law of Attraction
Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction

The steps to the Law of Attraction are simple. First, ask the universe for what you desire. Be intentional and descriptive on what you are asking. Next, believe it will be delivered to you. If we get caught up on the details of how or when something will occur, we aren’t putting our faith and believe into it truly happening. Law of attraction doesn’t have any room for doubt. It’s about putting it out to the universe and knowing it will come to you at the right time and when it is supposed to. Lastly, open yourself to receiving it. Sometimes the desire we want may manifest as something else that will greatly benefit us. Whatever your desire is, be open to it coming to you in whatever form the universe best sees as an alignment. With the law of attraction, we manifest by not focusing on what we don’t have, but being grateful for all we do have. It also includes the energy and vibrations we are putting out into the universe. If we are putting into the universe positive and confident energy, it will be returned to us. We have the choice to choose whether or not we want to be high energy people or low energy people waiting for the worst to happen. Our desires are within our reach. We just have to put ourselves out there to receive them.

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