Autoimmune Disorders
Autoimmune Disorders

Autoimmune Disorders

Autoimmune disorders occur because of a malfunction in the immune system. Typically, the immune system fights off viruses and bacteria to keep us healthy. With autoimmune disorders, the immune system attacks healthy cells, tissues and organs instead.

There are disorders commonly known, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, celiac disease, multiple sclerosis, and Graves’ disease. With rheumatoid arthritis, the joints are attacked causing swelling and pain. Lupus is caused by the immune system attacking the tissue in the body. The damage to the tissue can be permanent. It may affect the the skin, joints, heart, lung, kidneys, circulating blood cells, and brain. When someone has celiac disease, they are unable to absorb nutrients because the villa in the body has been damaged. Those with this disorder need to avoid foods with gluten. With multiple sclerosis, the nervous system is under attack. The brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves are targeted and it causes fatigue, mood issues, muscular changes, and pain. Graves’ disease over activates the thyroid. It’s characteristics involve bulging eyes, heat intolerance, increased energy, and difficulty sleeping.

There are steps to try and help manage autoimmune disorders. They are usually exacerbated by inflammation. Finding a diet that decreases inflammation may help. It’s important to decrease inflammation while also working at strengthening and healing the gastrointestinal system so nutrients can be absorbed properly by the body. Allergies and toxins add to the issues caused by autoimmune disorders. Finding out the foods that cause the body to react badly may help to decrease certain symptoms. If the body is overloading with toxins, eliminating them will decrease inflammation. The body needs enough movement and rest to function at its best. While autoimmune disorders typically cause pain, making it hard to exercise and sleep properly, we will find working at including small amounts of both will have positive results. We need to work on managing stress by doing activities we enjoy and meditating. Supplements and herbs may also help decrease inflammation, promote healing, and aid in strengthening the body.

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