Ayurveda is a Holistic System
Ayurveda is a Holistic System

Ayurveda is a Holistic System

Ayurveda is a holistic system. It focuses on the mind, body, and soul while connecting them to the 5 elements. The five elements are ether, air, fire, water, and earth.

The ether is found in the ears, hearing, and throat. Air is linked to the skin and heart, plus touch. Fire goes with the eyes and seeing and the navel. Water is connected to the sacral and the tongue with the sense of taste. The earth is our root and goes with the nose and sense of smell.

Our fingers go with each element. The thumb is connected to fire. The index finger goes with air and the middle finger goes with ether/space. The ring finger is connected to the earth. The little finger is linked to water.

When we bring all elements into balance, we are working at achieving greater health. There should be an internal and external balance. We can use opposites to create balance. How we feel physically can tell us what our bodies are needing. If we are hot, cool foods can create balance. If we feel dry, wet foods can counter and help create balance.

The more we listen to what are body is telling us, the more we can work on creating balance.

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