Benefits of  Using Cacao
Benefits of Using Cacao

Benefits of Using Cacao

Cacao is a bean. Cacao powder comes from cold-pressing raw cacao beans. It is a chocolate that is more bitter than cocoa. With the way cacao is processed, it is able to keep its nutritional value where cocoa loses a lot of its nutritional benefits. There are benefits of using cacao.

Benefits of using cacao as part of our diet include a reduction of inflammation and improved blood flow to the brain and heart. This bean may help with heart and bone health, as well as helping those with certain gut issues, like IBS.

It is packed with vitamins and antioxidants. The plant-based antioxidants are what help to reduce inflammation in the body. The flavonoids found in the bean promote heart health and may help to lower blood pressure while increasing good cholesterol levels. The polyphenol components found in cacao also have numerous health benefits. This components helps cacao to have prebiotic effects and help to increase the good bacteria in the gut.

Cacao comes in nibs and powder. We can add the powder to things like yogurt, shakes, mixes, and with peanut butter. The nibs can be eaten directly, added to salads, or added in to smoothies or yogurt.

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