Blocked Chakras
Blocked Chakras

Blocked Chakras

Blocked chakras are when there is a lack of energy flow through the body. The 7 main chakras are the crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral, and root. Each chakra is responsible for different functions, including emotional and physical wellbeing. When any of the chakras are blocked, it may make us feel like we aren’t fully here. We aren’t feeling grounded or safe. We lack energy overall and have mental and physical fatigue. It makes it hard for us to enjoy activities that normally bring us joy.

When there is a decrease in energy flow through the chakras, our emotions may take us on a roller coaster ride. We may have feelings of being negative, insecure, and loneliness. Our bodies will feel fatigue, but they may also have bouts of anxiety, pain, and other physical symptoms such as indigestion and headaches.

Taking the time to help open up chakras is important. For some, we have to push through the feelings of not wanting to do something in order to feel better. We may feel like doing the exact opposite of what our chakras are needing us to do. Taking a walk, eating right, meditating, and proper sleep are all ways to help our chakras. Engaging in activities that bring us joy, such as painting, dancing, or being in nature are ways to promote healthy and balanced chakras.

Meditation is an excellent way to align our chakras. We can focus on our breathing and be here in the present moment, pulling ourselves back from the blockage. As we breathe, we can imagine white light going down through our crowns and flowing gently into each chakra. This helps to nudge them and open them up. As each one opens, we’ll start to feel more balanced and grounded.

It’s okay to take time for yourself daily to help lift your energy. Try different techniques and see which ones make you feel the best. Once you know, practice them often. When we are aligned, we feel the benefits mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

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