Book Review: Real Love: The Art of Mindful Connection
Book Review: Real Love: The Art of Mindful Connection

Book Review: Real Love: The Art of Mindful Connection

Real Love: The Art of Mindful Connection is an inspiring book written by Sharon Salzberg. In this book, the author uses loving-kindness meditations to awaken the ability to view the world differently. She explains how to send loving-kindness to oneself, loved ones, and even strangers.

The book is divided into three sections. The first section is  Beyond the Cliche. The focus in this section is about one’s self. We need to realize we aren’t the stories we say about ourselves. It explores allowing ourselves to feel, let go of perfection, and seek happiness. The second section, Love as a Verb, is about letting go of what holds us back from offering accepting love. In the last section, The Wide Lens of Compassion, we learn how to extend love to strangers or even those who have hurt us. We don’t have to be okay with what others have done to us, but by sending loving-kindness, we can move forward in our lives.

I feel this book is exceptionally written. I enjoyed the meditation practices included at the end of each chapter. It allowed me to apply what I had read. The material of the book is relatable. Finding out the difference between practicing empathy and compassion was eye-opening for me. While empathy can be draining, compassion may be uplifting. I benefitted from the chapters regarding self-love and sending oneself loving-kindness. I believe readers will enjoy the positivity of the book. The practices provided would be beneficial for healing and in recognizing everyone is deserving of love. The author teaches being present and to Crete a deep love with others.

Overall, this book was enjoyable. The author keeps it simple enough that a beginner can understand the meditation practices and gain insight. I would recommend this book to others. I am excited to read other books by this author.

If interested in purchasing this book, you can find it on Amazon.

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