Date Rape
Date Rape

Date Rape

Rape is not okay.

I usually have the same variety of posts on my blog. I focus on positivity, healing, and holistic aspects of life. I want to share with others things I find to be helpful. But there are also numerous topics floating around in my mind I want to write about and share with others.

Today’s topic may be triggering. I ask you to be cautious while reading this post. Date rape is the topic.

Date rape is defined by Encyclopedia Britannica as “also called acquaintance rape, a term used largely in industrialized countries to describe the forcing or coercing of a victim into unwanted sexual activity by a friend, romantic suitor, or peer through violence, verbal pressure, misuse of authority, use of incapacitating substances, or threat of violence” (2020).

Date rape drugs are any substances used to make sexual assault easier. The most common incapacitating substance used is alcohol. Alcohol is considered socially acceptable and is a readily available substance to obtain. Most people overlook it as being used to rape someone because of the choice to drink. Alcohol affects cognitive thinking. It lowers inhibitions. It also lowers a person’s ability to defend themselves, keeps people from knowing what is happening to them, and keeps them from remembering later on (, 2022). It isn’t uncommon for someone to think they aren’t drinking very much, but someone has given them more than they realize.

Alcohol may also be a way for additional substances to be ingested without someone knowing. Rohypnol, GHB, and Ketamine are all drugs commonly used in date rape. Less commonly used drugs are ecstasy, LSD, Klonopin, and Xanax. These drugs alter the mind, making an assault easier for the rapist.

Rohypnol, also known as roofies, is a type of tranquilizer. It leaves the victim struggling to stay awake. They lose control of their muscles, have a loss of inhibitions, have amnesia, and can become unconscious. The drug makes it so they don’t remember the assault.

Ketamine causes the victim to have a loss of sense of time and identity. It may cause hallucinations, distorted perceptions of sight and sound, and feeling out of control. The memory loss some individuals experience would mean they wouldn’t remember the attack and feel confused. It is a fast-acting drug. Some may find they are aware of what is happening to them, but the drug makes it so they can’t move. The body metabolizes ketamine quickly, making it difficult to detect with drug testing.

GHB, gamma-hydroxybutyrate, makes the victim feel sleepy, forgetful, and weak. It may make them pass out. These reactions generally occur with a larger amount. Others might feel intoxicated like they had too much to drink. They have more energy and are talkative. This drug, also called liquid ecstasy, has similar effects to ecstasy. The person may feel affectionate and playful. They can have a loss of inhibition, increased sensuality, and enhanced sexual feelings. It is considered a rapist’s drug of choice because it is clear and odorless. Due to its effects when certain amounts are used, it makes the rape seem consensual. The effects of the drug are dependent on the dosage used.

Ecstasy, LSD, Klonopin, and Xanax are less used date rape drugs. These drugs all alter a victim’s ability to give consent. They have similar effects to the commonly used drugs. Ecstasy and LSD cause loss of inhibition. Klonopin and Xanax relax the person and may make them out of it or lose consciousness, pending the dosage.

I have given a brief background on date rape drugs. I would like to make it known you don’t have to be on a date for these drugs to be used. The name “date rape” is outdated in my opinion. Being raped can happen anywhere, to anyone, by anyone. Many make the assumption they are safe with friends and family. Many rapes are carried out by someone who is known by the victim. This can be a tricky situation for a victim. They have fear about speaking out against the person and about not being believed. If someone has touched you against your will, or you were under the influence, it is not your fault. What they did was wrong. They made the choice to do what they did.

I believe a rapist’s drug of choice is based on what they want the outcome to be. They either drug someone so they won’t remember anything or they use a drug that will make the victim feel like they consented. Rape is never okay no matter what route they decide to take. Your body is yours and no one has the right to violate it. You didn’t do anything wrong. You didn’t know you’d be put into a dangerous and scary situation. You had no way of knowing people you trusted would hurt you or help others to hurt you. Your truth will come out and be heard. In case you haven’t heard it from anyone else, I believe you, I know you didn’t have a choice, and you will heal.


Dude, A. (2020, October 22). Date rape. Encyclopedia Britannia. Retrieved from



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