

Elecampane contains numerous medicinal properties including:

Expectorant and Soothes Coughs

Elecampane contains a compound called inulin, which is the primary active ingredient responsible for its expectorant properties. Inulin helps to loosen and expel mucus from the respiratory tract, making it easier to cough up and clear the airways. This action can be particularly beneficial for relieving congestion and promoting respiratory health.

Increases sweating

Elecampane is known for its diaphoretic properties, which means it promotes sweating. The action of increasing sweating can help eliminate toxins from the body and support detoxification processes.


What makes elecampane bitter is the presence of certain chemical compounds called sesquiterpene lactones. These compounds are responsible for the bitter taste of elecampane and are known to have various medicinal properties. Bitter substances like those found in elecampane can help stimulate the appetite, improve digestion, and support overall digestive health.

Eliminates worms

In elecampane, there are certain constituents called sesquiterpene lactones that are believed to have anti-parasitic properties. These compounds may help eliminate worms by interfering with their reproductive processes and causing damage to their cellular structures.


The antibacterial properties of elecampane can be attributed to its various chemical constituents, including essential oils and sesquiterpene lactones. These compounds have shown potential in inhibiting the growth of certain bacteria.

*As with any supplement or dietary change, please make sure to contact your family physician to confirm it will be in your best interest to try elecampane. The information provided here is for educational purposes only and not meant to treat or diagnosis.


Kenny, C. R., Stojakowska, A., Furey, A., & Lucey, B. (2022). From Monographs to Chromatograms: The Antimicrobial Potential of Inula helenium L. (Elecampane) Naturalised in Ireland. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland)27(4), 1406. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules27041406

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