
Endometriosis is a condition many women face. It is when tissue that normally grows inside of the uterus grows in other locations. Endometriosis can be painful and even cause infertility. For many, a diagnosis means taking certain medications, like birth control, hormones, or pain relievers, to be able to manage life with the symptoms. We don’t have to depend on medications to get us through. When I went through being diagnosed, it was about using birth control to manage the symptoms. And as I got older, the discussion moved to a hysterectomy. I didn’t have a doctor willing to explore other options. I didn’t know there were other options. I could have been using natural remedies to help my body. I could have been told what I could focus on as far as my diet to give my body the best chance to heal itself. I could have even been told to seek chiropractic care. None of which my doctor told me about, and it ultimately led to me getting a hysterectomy. With the right care, women can be informed of other options outside of medication and surgery to heal their bodies. If you, or someone you know, suffers from endometriosis, explore all the options available to you to help heal your body.

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