Inflammation may occur when the immune system doesn’t work properly, as in autoimmune disorders. It also occurs when tissue it damaged by bacteria, heat, trauma, and other reasons. The inflammation causes swelling, discomfort, and pain. When there is inflammation inside of the body, we can use foods to reduce inflammation.
Common foods that help to reduce inflammation include leafy green vegetables, fruits, nuts, probiotic foods, ginger, garlic, and turmeric. These foods and herbs have properties to combat inflammation. Leafy greens have alpha-linolenic acid, a omega-3 fatty acid, known to be an anti-inflammatory. They also contain vitamin A, D, E, and K, which help to fight infections. Curcumin, found in turmeric, is a natural compound that is both an anti-inflammation and antioxidant property. Probiotics help keep gut health functioning properly. When foods with probiotics are consumed, it regulates the good and bad bacteria in the gut and reduces inflammation.
If we are mindful in what we eat, we help our bodies naturally fight of inflammation and infection. Eating foods are bodies can digest and absorb will give extra protection and help us to maintain good health.