Functions of the Sacral Chakra
Functions of the Sacral Chakra

Functions of the Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra is responsible for numerous functions. In physical health, it is linked to the reductive system, its organs and hormones, but it is also responsible for the lymphatic and circulatory systems, as well as the urinary system. It deals with removing toxins from the body. Emotionally, the sacral chakra helps to produce joy, ambition, creativity, and love for yourself. The chakra also promotes hearing one another and acceptance.

Balanced Chakra

When the sacral chakra is balanced, we are comfortable with expression our emotions and diving into our creativity. We will feel secure enough to set boundaries with others while we communicate and listen to others. A balanced sacral chakra also helps with the purification of the body as it helps to eliminate toxins from the body both physically and mentally.

Imbalanced Chakra

If the sacral chakra becomes imbalanced, we may have physical issues such as kidney stones, urinary problems, lower back pain, and gynecological problems. A blocked sacral chakra also may cause emotional struggles. We may become shy, helpless, and weak. We may also become one-sided and struggle to deal with others’ thought and opinions.

We can take time to be in nature, meditate, do things we enjoy in order to help balance our sacral chakra. Practicing affirmations is also a good way to open up the chakra. An open sacral will allow us to express our emotions without any discomfort or displeasure while healing ourselves physically.

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