Gone (novel series) by Michael Grant
Gone (novel series) by Michael Grant

Gone (novel series) by Michael Grant

So my son started reading the Gone series in school this past year. For those who have yet to read these books, it is found in the young adult genre and includes fantasy, utopia, paranormal and dystopian fiction. My son really loved this series, though he hasn’t finished it yet. He asked me if I would want to read it. I might be 36, but I figured why not give it a try.

There are 9 books in this series currently. I’ve read Gone and am currently reading Hunger. I must say I am really enjoying this series. The characters are well-developed. The plot keeps me intrigued. I read the Darkest Minds series and I find that Gone reminded me a lot of the Darkest Minds

All those 15 and older have disappeared. The kids in the town are left to figure everything out. Sam Temple is the main character of the books. He has leadership skills that everyone recognizes. They need him to help them to figure out all their problems, the big and the small. He has the weight of the world on his shoulders, but he also has friends who are willing to help and keep him going in the right direction. There have been many twists and turns in the plot. I keep reading on to find out what happens next. 

If you have a pre-teen/teen who enjoys reading, I’d suggest this series to them. Of course there is some violence and Hunger talks about cannibalism (take a hint from the title…). Overall, the books are well worth the time to read. If you’ve read them, leave a note on what you thought! But, please, no spoilers!!

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