

Grounding, also called earthing, has amazing benefits for the mind and body. Spending time walking barefoot in nature helps promote better sleep, reduces pain, helps relieve stress and and anxiety, and triggers parasympathetic activation. Grounding helps boosts the immune system’s response and aids in preventing inflammation.

Grounding improves sleep by regulating circadian rhythms and reducing cortisol levels in the body. It promotes a more restful sleep. It has been shown to alleviate pain and inflammation. Earthing has a calming effect on the nervous system. It promotes relaxation and reduces stress and anxiety levels. It may even decrease the production of stress hormones while increasing the production of endorphins, natural mood-boosting chemicals. Being outside and walking barefoot may also increase the body’s energy. It provides a sense of well-being by reducing fatigue and aiding in overall energy flow. Since grounding helps reduce inflammation in the body, it may also help with supporting the immune system. It reduces oxidative stress in the body.

Any amount of grounding is helpful for the mind and body, but it is suggested to spend 20-30 minutes outside barefoot to experience the best results.

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