Healing from Trauma
Healing from Trauma

Healing from Trauma

Trauma healing

No one will ever say healing from trauma is easy. It’s not. It’s messy. It’s confusing. It’s tiring. There are times you feel like you’ve made progress and then there are times like you feel you lose it all. One time it might be easy to talk about what you’ve been through. Another time, you might want to bottle it all up and hide it away. There aren’t rules to how to deal with it all. There are signs you’re not dealing with it very well and may need to take a step back and evaluate things. If someone else is hurting because you’re struggling, that’s not okay. That’s bleeding onto someone who doesn’t deserve it. And that person probably has their own trauma to deal with. Projecting only causes more harm than good. It just stuffs down the real issue and doesn’t allow healing to happen. Again, though, it’s all a process. Everyone learns in time. It isn’t easy to unlearn the toxic traits others have taught you. Recognizing them is the first step. It helps to have someone, or a few people, who support you and want to see you overcome your trauma. They’ll bring you back when you lose focus on your healing journey. Just be patient and be open to the healing. You’ll get to be where you are meant to be.

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