Herbs to Help Digestion
Herbs to Help Digestion

Herbs to Help Digestion

There are herbs to help digestion. These herbs have different functions in how they help the digestive system. German chamomile eases the stomach. It helps with gas, soothing the stomach, and relaxing the muscles that move food along. Chamomile also helps to decrease inflammation in the digestive tract, as well as other places in the body. Wormwood contains bitter agents, absinthin and arabsinthin, that helps to stimulate digestion. These bitters also help to ease spasms in the intestinal tract. Senna is a mild laxative. It may be used to relieve occasional constipation. It’s more gentle and has less side effects than other laxatives. Cardamom may help to relieve nausea and vomiting. It also reduces gas and indigestion. Cardamom may also help ease ulcer. Ginger has long been used as an herb that helps relieve stomach upset. It is commonly used for those with the flu and who suffer from motion sickness. Ginger makes it so food doesn’t linger in the gut and passes through smoothly.

Pending what the digestive system is doing, there is an herb to help it. As with anything new, check with your family doctor before exploring the different herbal options.

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