Highest Self

Create a calm space: Remove clutter from your space; use incense and/or candles; keep distractions such as a phone or television out of your space.

Watch your breath: We often don’t realize when we are holding our breath or not taking deep enough breaths. You may try breathing in for a count of 7 and back out for a count of 7 (or a number count of your choosing). If counting isn’t something for you, place a hand on your abdomen and on your chest. Feel these areas moving as you breathe in and out. Take notice to the sensation of air moving in and out of your nose.

Watch your thoughts: You are what you think. If you engage in the negative chatter in your mind, you will attract more negativity to you. If you fill your mind with positive affirmations, you’ll start to believe them and raise your own vibrations in doing so.

Be gentle with yourself: We tend to be our own worst critics. Would you tell your best friend something they worked on looks stupid? Would you criticize your child for making a simple mistake? Be gentle with yourself. You deserve kindness too.

Affirm what you desire: Law of attraction states what we put out, we receive back. If you are wanting a happy life, place that intention out there. If you are wanting better health, state it. And then follow through with actions that will allow you to receive what you desire.

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