Human Energy

Human energy consists of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energy. Our physical energy has us ask ourselves how our health is. Do we have aches and pains or does our body feel good and strong? Are we giving our bodies the nutrition it needs to be fueled? Our bodies need movement through the day to feel physically strong and healthy. Emotional health is asking ourselves how happy we are. Could there be something we participate in each day that will increase our happiness? Often times we put our own happiness on the back burner to make sure someone else is happy. You are better equipped to help people through their hard times if you take care of your own emotional health first. It’s not selfish. It is the aspect you can’t pour from an empty cup.

Mental energy is knowing where our focus lies. Do we focus on the negative things going on around us and drain our energy or do we focus on the positive and increase our mental energy? Our mental energy also takes a hit when we are around someone who is constantly saying about what is wrong with their life instead of seeing some good within. These people are energy vampires and it helps to limit time with them so your own energy isn’t depleted. Spiritual energy is understanding the why of life. It is about asking if we believe in something higher than ourselves and where we fit in the universe. It’s knowing there is a bigger picture that we might not be able to see, but trusting in the process.

All of our energies work together to make us whole. When one area struggles, it can have effects on other parts. It is important to take time to check in with yourself and see if you are giving your mind, body, and soul all they need to grow and be strong.

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