I fell in love with my best friend
I fell in love with my best friend

I fell in love with my best friend

You hear it all the time. People become so close to their best friend and end up falling in love. I never thought that would happen for me. I actually had given up on love all together. I was once married. That didn’t go as planned…but I do have my son from that time. She was also once married…to a narcissist… But she got her children from that.

Over the last two and a half years, we have been through a lot together. Her divorce and the abuse and stalking that has followed. We’ve dealt with people wanting to rip our friendship from us, trying to turn us against each other, and playing games. All done for her ex’s benefit to try and still control her life.

But here we are. Falling more and more in love. Getting closer. Getting stronger. Moving forward. She loves me like I need to be loved. She shows me her love daily. She calls it being needy, but I need exactly what she gives me. She’s dealt with a lot of trauma, but we work through it together. She’s learning who she is and helps me to do the same. I’m happier than I’ve ever been, more loved than I could imagine possible. She’s perfect for me and I’m thankful that our paths crossed and lead us to where we are.

I fell in love with my best friend. She is my wife in every way.

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