Immune System Support

There are different ways we can give our immune system support. There are links between having a positive emotional state and a boost in our immunity. If we look at the world in a positive way, it boosts our mood, and in turn, boosts are immune system. Guided imagery and other meditative states have also been known to increase our immunity by relaxing our minds.

A healthy lifestyle includes trying to decrease stress whenever possible. Stress can take a toll on our health and weaken our immune system over time. When we make sure we are getting enough sleep, not putting toxins into our bodies-such as cigarettes, eating the right types of food, and exercise regularly, we increase our immune system by increasing our natural killer cell activity. Our diets should include plenty of fruits and vegetable, decreased processed foods and sugar, and an adequate amount of protein and grains. Plenty of water is also a must. Balance is key in a healthy diet.

Herbs and supplements may help us when we struggle to give our bodies what they need through diet. Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Vitamin E all help with our immune system. Astragalus, echinacea, goldenseal, and elderberry are all herbs that promote our immune system. Astragalus and elderberry have also been proven to decrease the length of colds.

Giving our bodies what they need to function properly is important when trying to increase our immune system. What we think is also just important. An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but a positive mind frame will as well. It’s important to take care of our minds and our bodies for the benefit of our immune system.

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