Law of Vibration
Law of Vibration

Law of Vibration

The law of vibration explains how our thoughts have a certain vibration that corresponds to them. When our thoughts are positive, our vibrations are higher. When we think negatively, we vibrate at lower levels. If our thoughts are more positive and upbeat, the vibrations also last longer. They help to build a resilience to stresses and struggles.

Using the law of vibration we can attract things into our life with the same energy. We can manifest what we are wanting to happen in our life. We can redirect our thoughts for a positive outcome. If our thoughts make us feel like we aren’t enough or we are lacking, that’s putting out negative energy. Switching the way we think will help us in manifesting our desires.

The more we understand our own vibrations, the better we are at gauging the people, places, and situations around us. We will learn if something gives us a bad feeling because the energy and vibration being given off doesn’t match our own. When in these types of situations, we can usually feel our own energy start to go down as our vibrations slow. We’ll always encounter people that focus on the worst in life, energy vampires as they suck the energy out of you, but we can prepare and protect our own vibrations prior to being in these situations.

It isn’t possible to always have high vibrations. There are times of highs and lows and that’s okay. We learn to move through the heavier emotions and feelings we go through to bring back our high energy. It’s a process worth working on.

The law of vibration and the law of attraction work together and both help us in manifesting the life we want. What we put out, be it intentions, feelings, or vibrations, we have a way of receiving it back. Like attracts like so be mindful of what energy you choose to put out into the world.

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