Medicinal Properties of Nutmeg
Medicinal Properties of Nutmeg

Medicinal Properties of Nutmeg

vertical shot of a hot drink with nutmeg
Photo by Vladimir Gladkov on

Nutmeg comes from the nutmeg trees. It can be toxic at high levels; however, there are numerous medicinal properties of nutmeg. It’s key constituents includes a variety of volatile oils including alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, alpha-terpinene, beta-terpinene, myristicin, elincin, and safrole.

The plant compounds in nutmeg have antioxidant activity, which can help to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.  These antioxidants may help in the prevention of heart disease, cancer, and liver disease. It’s anti-inflammatory properties help to reduce pain and swelling by blocking the enzymes that promote inflammation. Nutmeg’s antimicrobial properties fight off bacterial and fungal infections.

The antispasmodic properties of nutmeg can help to relax the muscles and reduce spasms. Analgesic properties help to relieve pain. The nervine properties calm the nerves and reduce stress and anxiety. Nutmeg also contains myristicin. This natural organic compound helps to stimulate the brain and help to reduce brain fog, fatigue, stress, and anxiety.

If you are needing help with sleep and relaxation, the sedative properties may help.

The spice is considered a digestive aid. It may help to improve digestion and relieve digestive problems because it is high in fiber. If you add a little nutmeg to your soups and beverages, it may help relieve bloating and constipation discomfort.

It’s stimulant properties may work to which boost energy levels and improve mental alertness.

As always, the information provided here is for education purposes. It is important to check with your family physician prior to trying any new herbs, supplements, or changes in your diet.


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