Mental health is part of having a healthy lifestyle. We often are hit by thoughts in our minds that aren’t the truth. These thoughts may tell us we can’t do something, someone is angry at us, or they talk negatively about us. We don’t have to engage in these thoughts. I know what you’re thinking. How is it possible to not engage in these thoughts?! They seem so loud and so overpowering. They like to take us downhill and fast sometimes. It just doesn’t feel possible to go up against them and to tune them out… that’s probably one of your thoughts right about now.
It isn’t easy, but it is possible to not go back and forth with these thoughts. One way we can disengage is to find something that pulls us into the moment and out of our heads. Meditation and anything dealing with art are good ways to bring our focus to the present and stop the chatter. For some, meditation is too sedentary. Yoga would be a good alternative, as the body moves from time to time while focusing on the breath. Affirmations are another way to combat thoughts. When we train our mind to think of positive things by repeating affirmations, it shuts down the negative thoughts. Again, this is something that takes time.
Shutting down the constant chatter in our minds requires effort. And there will be times the thoughts become too loud and we have to try again. Sometimes it will feel like they are right, even when they’re not. It’s okay. You never actually fail, at anything, if you keep trying.