Mystic Reiki Wellness

Mystic Reiki Wellness

Darkest Times

It isn’t easy to look for the light when darkness is all around you. The weight of the world gets to be too heavy. There is too much going wrong. Every way you turn, it feels like there is no way out. …

Date Rape

I usually have the same variety of posts on my blog. I focus on positivity, healing, and holistic aspects of life. I want to share with others things I find to be helpful. But there are also numerous topics floating around in …

Pine Bach Remedy

Sometimes we need let the feelings of guilt go. It isn’t always easy. Sometimes we carry guilt that isn’t even ours to shoulder. The pine Bach flower remedy helps us to let go and accept what is.

Daily Motivation

Life is known to throw curveballs from time to time. It’s okay to struggle during a challenging situation, but don’t give up. A smoother ride is up ahead. You got this.

God’s Plan Anyway

I needed to know the why of everything. I needed to understand why things were happening and when things might change. I needed details or I didn’t feel okay. I’ve learned I won’t always have all the answers. It’s God’s plan anyway. …

Oak Bach Remedy

The Oak Bach remedy helps those who struggle with slowing down. These people tend to have a plate full, but keep going. They take on a lot and can’t see that it’s a lot. They don’t listen when their bodies need the …

Mimulus Remedy

Mimulus is a Bach remedy that helps one to relax and ease their fears. Those who benefit from Mimulus are individuals who truly have anxiety living. Everything causes them worry. Mimulus helps to reduce that anxiety.

Grace to Move Forward

There are things that I wish I could change, but I can’t. I’d like to erase some things and other things I’d like to have a chance to change how they played out. It is of no use to me to focus …