Mystic Reiki Wellness

Mystic Reiki Wellness


Chamomile is a calming herb. It helps to ward off negative energies and has been used to protect homes when planted outside. It enhances calmness. Many find a cup of chamomile tea prior to bed will help with sleep.


Neem is an herb with many different properties. It has been used to provide protection and gain prosperity. It helps support immunity and digestion so it promotes good heath as well.


Herbs have many beneficial properties. Tulsi has spiritual benefits and health benefits.


Ayurveda is an alternative form of healing. It is based on the entire universe being composed of five elements: Air, Water, Space/Ether, Earth, and Fire. These elements are considered to form the basis of the human body in varying combinations


Hurt — Read on

Herbs for Anxiety

When anxiety becomes overwhelming, it becomes hard to prioritize self-care. There are herbs for anxiety which may help us to relax and enjoy life more. Stress really isn’t an enemy. It is our body’s way of letting us know we are overloaded …

Tips for Coping

Tips for Coping — Read on