Mystic Reiki Wellness

Mystic Reiki Wellness

Daily Mindfulness

Practicing daily mindfulness may improve overall health. Each day take time to do the things that help you to focus on your mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing.


Check out my podcast, Mystic Reiki Wellness, on Spotify!

Symptoms of a blocked Sacral Chakra

Some symptoms of a blocked sacral chakra include skin conditions, artery calcification, and kidney problems. When the energy isn’t flowing through the sacral chakra, women may struggle with fertility. Constipation, diarrhea, and bloating may occur as well. Energy flowing through the sacral …


Self-regulating is a way to cope through certain situations. Often in life, we aren’t tight ways to regulate our emotions. We are denied what we need in order to learn how to accomplish regulating. Our emotions get out on the back-burner and …

Blocked Root Chakra

A blocked root chakra may produce physical symptoms. The root is located in the base of the spine and is associated with the sacral vertebrae, and the 3rd, 4th, and 5th lumbar vertebrae. With its location being in the spine, the symptoms …

Chakras and Nature

Nature is excellent for chakra balancing. We are able to go some place that we feel connected to the earth and to the universe and let energy flow through us. It’s a relaxing atmosphere and it increases our vibrations.

Moving Forward

Moving Forward — Read on


Waiting — Read on

Restorative Tonics

Restorative tonics, usually referred to as nutritive and/or adaptogens, help to balance our bodies. When taken daily, they may increase our overall vitality. They help with detoxification of the body while helping to improve stress responses, sleep, memory, mood and energy levels. …


Meditation looks a little different for everyone. I enjoy using visualization ​when I meditate. It relaxes my mind and my body. When I finish meditating, I like to offer thanks for the calmness it provides me. The universe is an excellent healer. …


Butterflies — Read on