Mystic Reiki Wellness

Mystic Reiki Wellness

Life’s Obstacles

Life has many obstacles and challenges. We can choose to let them defeat us or to give ourselves the patience and grace we deserve to know we can get through whatever comes our way. Every situation provides an opportunity to learn and …

Clematis Flower Remedy

Clematis is a Bach flower remedy used to help those who lack focus and concentration. This remedy may improve daydreaming tendencies and increase the concentration needed to get things done. It will promote better time management. Bach flower remedies are safe to …

Chicory Bach Remedy

The Chicory Bach Remedy is for those who find themselves worrying about their loved ones a lot. They’re the type of people that concern themselves over every ache and pain, each sniffle or cough. They want their loved ones to be okay …

Holistic Lifestyle

A holistic lifestyle may produce numerous health benefits. The holistic approach looks at the whole person’s well-being and not just symptoms they may be having. The physical, emotional, mental, social, and spirituality of the individual will be examined. When one area is …

Light and Darkness

In optimistic mind set doesn’t mean you can’t see the bad in life. It means you choose to acknowledge hard situations happen, but good is still there. When we focus on the bad going on in our lives, it can really derail …

Heart Health

Herbs and supplements have many health benefits. Above are a few that benefit the heart. They can lower risks of heart disease, lower and regulate blood pressure, and help with arrhythmias.

Cherry Plum

Cherry plum is a flower remedy that helps calm the mind. It lets the one using it to gain control and composure.


It takes time to learn to listen to your own intuition, but once you do, you won’t regret it. Take the time to get to know yourself and your intuition will grow.


When you’ve had times when people made you feel less about yourself, it was easy to lose your self-worth and confidence. They had no right to do this. No one should make someone else feel bad about being who they are. You’re …