Mystic Reiki Wellness

Mystic Reiki Wellness


Take pride in who you are and don’t let anyone dim your shine.

Good Health

Good health consists of multiple aspects. An individual should strive to have a positive mental attitude. While hard times will always happen, when a person can look at it from a positive perspective it will help them over come situations easier. A …

Headache Pain

As someone who has always suffered from headaches and migraines, I’ve always searched for different methods to help ease the pain. I wanted to understand the types of headaches to know what might work best to help me. I started taking magnesium …

Writing Prompt #1

Sometimes writing prompts can help one to explore other ideas. They also come in handy when someone is struggling to find something to write about. This is the first writing prompt I’ve posted. Give it a try and let me know you’ve …

Darkness and Light

There are many things I have learned to overcome. Sometimes there is still a darkness in my mind that tries to convince me I should hate myself. It wants me to believe I’m not good at anything or good for anyone. It …

Begin Again

Two words: Begin Again In life we face many obstacles. Some will stop us dead in our tracks while others are more like a speed bump. We’ve all had people tell us we are a failure when we stop trying as these …

True Self

When all the wrong people tell you who they think you are, it can be hard to unlearn all of their opinions. It’s worth it though. The process of learning your true self is always worth it.


Valerian is a nerve-relaxing herb. It can be helpful for those who have insomnia, restless leg syndrome, and muscle spasms. Some individuals may have an adverse effect and become more awake while taking valerian. It may also cause slight drowsiness in the …