Mystic Reiki Wellness

Mystic Reiki Wellness


Carotenes are phytochemicals. They are antioxidants which help increase immune functions. Carotenes may provide protection against certain cancers. They are found in vegetables and fruits.

I am

We are what we think. Positive affirmations increase our vibrations. Each day, take a few minutes to speak your own positive affirmations.

Alternative Medicine

When we do not feel well, we want to reach for something that will help us. Common medications are used to treat symptoms, which gives us relief, but it doesn’t tell us what is causing the symptoms to occur. With alternative medicine …


Sweetgrass is a cleansing herb. It is often used after sage to clear a room of negative energy. It attracts positive energy into the space instead.


Prevention is important. It’s the first defense in keeping healthy. Many times our bodies give us a clue that something isn’t quite right. The lingering headache that won’t go away. The fatigue that hits at different times. Feeling out of breath doing …


Blessings — Read on


Music has health benefits. It can be used to help ease anxiety, increase vibrations, and improve your mood. It’s important to pick music meant to pick you up. It can be a healing experience.


Frankincense is commonly use for aromatherapy. It has many benefits. It can help to release chronic stress and anxiety and to reduce pain and inflammation. It is known to boost immunity.

White Sage

White sage has healing and protective properties. It helps one to connect with their higher intuition. It also clears out negative energies away. It is good for clearing a space and allowing good vibrations to enter. 


Purpose — Read on