Mystic Reiki Wellness

Mystic Reiki Wellness

Water Violet Bach Remedy

The water violet bach flower remedy is for those who are considered to be wallflowers. It helps them to come out of their shells so they stop blending into the background. It works at helping them to engage in the events happening …

Walnut Bach Remedy

When we struggle with letting the past in the past, the walnut bach remedy helps with the process. It allows up to accept the changes that come with living and to move forward.

Food Allergies

Many people suffer from food allergies. They are under the impression that it is something they have to just deal with and not get relief from. However, it is possible to restore balance to your body and relieve the effects of allergies. …

Be Here

Life throws curveballs all the time. Things happen that are out of your control. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be here. It doesn’t mean you should carry the guilt and pain on your shoulders. God knows your story. He isn’t done with …

Reiki Healing

Reiki energy work involves using one’s hands to pull energy from the universe to promote positive wellness. Reiki is becoming a more popular alternative method to provide pain relief and relaxation.

Vervain Bach Remedy

The Bach flower, Vervain, is good for those needing to relax and unwind. This flower essence promotes tranquility and going with the flow instead of trying to control everything going on around you.