Mystic Reiki Wellness

Mystic Reiki Wellness

Oak Bach Remedy

The Oak Bach remedy helps those who struggle with slowing down. These people tend to have a plate full, but keep going. They take on a lot and can’t see that it’s a lot. They don’t listen when their bodies need the …

Mimulus Remedy

Mimulus is a Bach remedy that helps one to relax and ease their fears. Those who benefit from Mimulus are individuals who truly have anxiety living. Everything causes them worry. Mimulus helps to reduce that anxiety.

Grace to Move Forward

There are things that I wish I could change, but I can’t. I’d like to erase some things and other things I’d like to have a chance to change how they played out. It is of no use to me to focus …

Larch Bach Remedy

The larch Bach remedy is for those who need to know they do measure up and they’re capable of doing what they set out to do. This remedy restores confidence.

Impatiens Essence

The essence of Impatiens is a bach flower remedy that encourages one to slow down. It helps them to be patient with others who might not move along as fast as themselves, but also gives them a chance to slow down too.

Obsidian Crystal

Obsidian crystals help in opening and balancing the solar plexus chakra. This crystal is great for ground, healing, and protection. It is one to keep in the home to protect against negativity.


When you’re a child, you learn trust verses mistrust from those around you. But what happens when there’s a false sense of trust? When you find out all you ever thought to be true is actually a facade created to deceive you …

Aquamarine Crystal

Crystals have energy associated with them. The aquamarine crystal, which is the birthstone for March, has a relaxing energy to it. It promotes a calmness that helps to relieve anxiety and depression. This crystal is also used with the throat chakra and …

Hornbeam Remedy

Hornbeam helps those who prefer to put things off until the last minute. It gives them the drive and the energy to put things into motion and accomplish their goals.