Mystic Reiki Wellness

Mystic Reiki Wellness

Loving You

Hello My Beautiful Wife, There are so many things to love about you. Your ability to love with everything in you and protect those you love. The way your eyes sparkle when you’re excited. The way you want to hug and kiss …

Up is the Only Way to Go

Hello Wife, Some days test your strength. Some days test your patience. Some days test your will. Every day you keep going. Every day you keep trying. Every day you push through. Along the way, there have been a lot of bad …

Quiet Oberservation

She was quiet. But it wasn’t because she didn’t care or that she didn’t want to talk. She was observing. She was taking in the people around her. How they talked with one another, their actions. She knew the ones she didn’t …

You Are Everything to M

Hello There Wifey, I can’t believe we are already approaching one year of marriage. It seems surreal. When we got our marriage license, we had no clue to how anything would pan out with the start of a crazy pandemic. But everything …