Mystic Reiki Wellness

Mystic Reiki Wellness

…keep going

So I have hit day 3 of post-op. Getting up and moving more. I’m not as down as I thought I would be with losing my uterus. It’s kinda crazy knowing I won’t be able to have another baby, but at the …

Hospital stays…veto

So when you have to have a procedure and stay over night be prepared to get no sleep. Between alarms going off, people making all kinds od noise, and vitals being checked, sleep doesn’t happen. Sucks for the healing process. Sucks when …


Don’t take today for granted. Do something you’ve always wanted to do. Tomorrow really isn’t promised to anyone. Yes, some things take money to do, but at the end of life you can’t take money with you. So take the trip. Buy …

How time flies…

Wow. It’s been 5 years since I created my site. And here I am back to try and make a go at it. First, let me say my pants have shrunk even more 😂😂 but I’m working on it. Next, I think …

I’m new at this…

I just started my first blog today. I’m completely new to this. I’ve been struggling with different aspects of my life: weight gain, lack of motivation, relationship issues, and feel like at the age of 30 I’m already ready for a mid-life …