Voice Connections
Connections are made in different ways. Hearing the voice of someone who matters can strengthen those connections.
Connections are made in different ways. Hearing the voice of someone who matters can strengthen those connections.
Everyone heals in their own way in their own time. There are ups and downs. There are good days, and bad. But there is so much beauty in healing when you take the time to notice the details. And to appreciate the …
The world teaches us we aren’t enough. Not smart enough, skinny enough, pretty enough. You are enough. Love yourself.
Who you are means more than what is in your bank account. Your life is important. Your thoughts and beliefs matter. Don’t let someone try to tell you their salary makes them better than you.
The plans have been made, the purpose created, and we find our way one day at a time. Sometimes there are struggles, sometimes life is easy, but every day we are moving in the direction we are meant to go in.