Yesterday I drank more soda than I planned. But I’m not beating myself up over. I’ll do better today. When I oops on trying to do better, the knee-jerk reaction is to just keep doing bad. It’s habit. “I’ll never do better… …
Yesterday I drank more soda than I planned. But I’m not beating myself up over. I’ll do better today. When I oops on trying to do better, the knee-jerk reaction is to just keep doing bad. It’s habit. “I’ll never do better… …
It isn’t easy to stay positive in a negative world. My sister got me a gratitude journal for my birthday. I plan on using it and seeing if I can have a better mindframe each morning. It is easy to focus on …
My weight is 189.2 pounds. I’ve set a short-term goal of losing a pound a week. A long term goal of losing 52 pounds in a year, by my next birthday. Both realistic. Now to map out my plan in losing it. …
As I close my eyes tonight, I want to take a minute to be thankful for all the blessings given to me today. And for the things that didn’t go as planned, tomorrow is a new day. Sweet dreams y’all.
A lot of people remember seeing Josh Gallagher on Season 11 of the Voice. He came in 4th place. What many don’t know is he came from the small town of Cresson, PA. I’ve now seen him perform live twice. He did …