Mystic Reiki Wellness

Mystic Reiki Wellness


Psychoneuroimmunology analyzes the connection between the mind and body. The connection between the mind and body can determine how resilent we are to becoming ill or having certain disorders. High levels of stress may increase our chances of gastrointestinal issues, colds and …


Bioenergy is a noninvasive alternative therapy. It is a natural healing method to promote an increase in vibrations. The increase in vibrations may provide relaxation, stress reduction, and align the mind, body, and spirit. While more research and studies need to be …

Burdock Root

Burdock root may be consumed in tea, powder, or root form. It has medicinal properties. The natural dietary fiber, inulin, is found in burdock and helps with digestion. It’s high in antioxidants that make it useful as a natural remedy for different …

Benefits of Blessed Thistle

Benefits of Blessed Thistle include: stimulates appetite and stomach secretations-contains a compound called cnicin, a compound found in bitter herbs, that stimulates salivation and gasric acids. lessens inflammation improves circulation strengthens the heart increases milk flow in nursing mothers-increases prolactin levels

Black Walnut

Black walnut is a walnut with a sweet and earthy taste to them. These walnuts aid in digestion and may clear the intestines of certain parasites. They also may lower blood pressued and cholesterol levels. Black walnuts may have a laxative effect …

The Human Energy Field

The human energy field encompasses each human and the space around them, extending into the energy field of nature. The energy field radiates and connects us all. There are still skeptics regarding the human energy field, but when the energy field is …


Bilberry grows on a bush and looks closely like a blueberry. It is known to have antioxidant, diuretic, antiseptic, antiaging, and anticarcinogen effects. They have been linked to reduce inflammation, stress, and anxiety. While more studies need to be done, they may …

Health Benefits of Zinc

Health benefits of zinc include: Stimulates the immune system Reduces the severity and duration of colds Aids in T-Lymphocyte function, protein synthesis, and collagen formation Help in wound healing and heals damaged tissue Zinc is a trace mineral the body only needs …