Mystic Reiki Wellness

Mystic Reiki Wellness

Saturday Affirmations

It’s a good evening to do our Saturday Affirmations. Positive words and positive thoughts help our minds to stay upbeat. When our minds are more upbeat, we vibrate higher. It helps to keep us feeling healthy.

Feel-Good Friday

Who doesn’t want to feel good on a Friday? Let’s make today be Feel-Good Friday and start our day with positive affirmations. The more we keep at something, the more it becomes a routine we find easier to stick to. You’re doing …

Orange Essential Oil

Orange essential oil has different benefits. It is used in aromatherapy to help elevate the mood, improve sleep quality, relieve an upset stomach, reduce stress, and reduce pain and inflammation. This essential oil has an uplifting scent that is also calming. It …

Emotions aren’t Facts

We often think our emotions are facts, but they’re not. It is how we are feeling, but not what is truly going on. We sometimes feel angry with ourselves for mistakes we make, disappointed or feel like a failure when things don’t …


Metacognition allows us to become aware of how we process thoughts. When we understanding how we process things, it opens doors to help us heal our minds and traumas. Metacognition helps us to learn self-regulation. Self-regulating is when we have the ability …

Thriving Thursday

Today is thriving Thursday. Our affirmations let us know we are thriving. Spend some time focusing on affirmations and increasing your vibrations today.