Mystic Reiki Wellness

Mystic Reiki Wellness

Law of Vibration

The law of vibration explains how our thoughts have a certain vibration that corresponds to them. When our thoughts are positive, our vibrations are higher. When we think negatively, we vibrate at lower levels. If our thoughts are more positive and upbeat, …


Potassium is an essential nutrient. It is found naturally in numerous foods, such as apricots, lentils, bananas, milk, chicken, turkey, and yogurt. We can consume potassium through these foods, but if we are needing extra, we can use supplements. Potassium is found …


Unforgettable — Read on

Microdosing with Mushrooms

Have you been hearing the buzz around the healing properties of psilocybin — and want to better understand the science of how it works? Curious about microdosing with mushrooms? A psychedelic renaissance has been gaining traction over recent years, with virtually every major media outlet reporting on new science, new …

Benefits of Using Cacao

Cacao is a bean. Cacao powder comes from cold-pressing raw cacao beans. It is a chocolate that is more bitter than cocoa. With the way cacao is processed, it is able to keep its nutritional value where cocoa loses a lot of …

Authentic Self

Authentic Self — Read on

Law of Attraction

Law of attraction is the belief that the energy we put out is the energy we receive back. If we create intentions for what we want to achieve, fully believe in it happening, and put positive energy out with those intentions, positive …

Discover Coping Mechanisms

Greetings! Do you feel everything — deeply? Perhaps you’ve been diagnosed with anxiety — and told to stop stressing out and being so… “sensitive”? Do you want to discover coping mechanisms for overwhelm and overstimulation? For most highly sensitive people (HSPs), anxiety is …

Game Over

Game Over — Read on

Benefits of Frequency

Many are unaware of the benefits of frequency. The 174 Hz frequency helps to reduce pain, tension, and stress. It can help to relax muscles and relieve headaches. This Solfeggio frequency promotes healing and relaxation. It may help with insomnia. The use …


Music has the ability to reduce anxiety, blood pressure, and pain. It can boost the mood, help with better sleep quality, and improve alertness and memory. Music is capable of relaxing the nervous system and lower cortisol levels. It stressful situations, it …