

Potassium is an essential nutrient. It is found naturally in numerous foods, such as apricots, lentils, bananas, milk, chicken, turkey, and yogurt. We can consume potassium through these foods, but if we are needing extra, we can use supplements.

Potassium is found through the tissue in the body. It’s required to have normal cell function. The kidneys, bones, and cardiovascular system all benefit from the proper amount of potassium in the body. It also helps to control blood glucose levels.

Potassium helps to neutralize the acid load and reduces the amount of calcium lost in the bones. This helps to increase bone density. The nutrient also helps to make sure sodium is excreted properly from the kidneys. In doing so, it helps to lower blood pressure and keep the kidneys from being damaged by too much sodium.

Lower levels of potassium in the body has been linked to higher blood glucose levels. When there is a lower amount of it in the body, there is a higher risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, digestive issues, cancer, and infertility. It is a vital nutrient for the body.

There are numerous resources to show how much potassium is needed by the body at certain ages. The resources also give a list of foods high in potassium. We are capable of making sure our bodies have what they need in order to function at their top performance.

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