Pride Month
Pride Month

Pride Month


Welcome to pride month. As a lesbian, I take pride in who I am every single day. I love my wife. She’s perfect in every way. She makes me feel like no one else possibly could. I don’t need a month to celebrate her or us. I’m thankful for her and the love she gives me. It’s not an easy thing sometimes being in a same-sex marriage. For me it’s easy, but for people looking for reasons to hate others, that’s the not easy part. Why spread hate just because someone loves in a way you don’t? Personally, my life is of no concern of anyone else’s. I don’t hurt anyone. I’m a human being. If you don’t like my relationship, you don’t have to spread hate about it. You can go live your life. I know I will because your opinion doesn’t matter to me. I’m proud of who I am and I’m proud to be married to my best friend. God said love one another. He didn’t say pick and choose based on twisted words. Next time you want to judge or spread hate, just don’t. Simple enough.

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