Raising Vibrations
Raising Vibrations

Raising Vibrations

There are numerous ways of raising vibrations. Everyone and everything is made up of energy. Some have high energy, which is because they have high vibrations. When our vibrations are higher, we feel happiness, peace, and love deeper.

One way to raise vibrations is to set intentions. Intentions are the things we want to see happen. They’re affirming. Examples of intentions would include:

I intend to manifest happiness. I intend to let go what I can’t control. I intend to be patient today. They are items we intend to do and we stick to that. They should be clear intentions and avoid using anything negative when creating them.

Another way to raise vibrations is through visualization. Visualization is a powerful tool to raise vibrations and to manifest. When we use visualizing, we are essentially calling into our life what we desire. The more details you can put into the visualization, the better. What do you want to call into your life? What do you see and how does it make you feel? Try picturing already obtaining whatever it is. How do you feel once it’s in your life. For some, visualization comes easy, but for others it doesn’t. Be patient with practicing.

We need to partake in self-care in order to raise our vibrations. What does self-care look like? Eating the proper foods to give our body the nutrition we need is important. Movement is also important. You can dance, take walks, do cardio, strength training, etc. Whatever movement you enjoy the most is self-care. Doing things we find fun or exciting is also self-care. Activities could include arts and crafts, singing, being out in nature or around animals, playing with children. Doing things that bring us joy is especially important in self-care.

Meditation helps to raise vibrations. Emotions dictate our vibrations. We can use meditation to regulate our emotions. We can run energy through our body while we meditate. We look inward when we practice any form of meditation. We take the time to focus on breathing and just being in the moment. Each time the mind wanders, bring it back to focusing on the breath and flowing energy. This will help vibrations to increase.

Nourish your body. We can do this by drinking plenty of water, eating nutritious foods, and adding supplements and herbs as needed. Certain foods may cause our bodies to feel heavy and not good. When we eat foods our bodies can digest and absorb the nutrients from, it makes us feel lighter and our vibrations higher.

Trusting and believing in the process means we don’t doubt what is taking place. We accept that everything is made up of energy and the life force in us is no exception. We believe we are capable of increasing our vibrations through different avenues and we spend time working at increasing it. Being ready to receive goes with trusting and believing. When we have no doubts, our vibrations go higher and we attract the blessings meant to be in our lives.

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