Root Causes of Disease and Illness
Root Causes of Disease and Illness

Root Causes of Disease and Illness

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When we are not feeling well, we reach out to our doctor in hope they will help us to figure out what is going wrong with us. If we have trouble with our gastrointestinal tract, we may be referred to a gastro doctor. If we suffer from migraines, we may be sent to see a neurologist. However, often times we receive a pill to mask the symptoms instead of looking deeper to find the root causes of disease and illness.

Why Find the Root Cause

To find the root cause of disease and illness means to identify the underlying factors or events that give rise to a particular health condition. It involves understanding the primary trigger or source of the problem rather than just treating the symptoms or manifestations. By uncovering the root cause, healthcare professionals can design more effective treatment plans and interventions, as well as potentially prevent the recurrence or development of similar health issues. It often requires a comprehensive analysis of various factors such as genetic predisposition, environmental influences, lifestyle choices, and physiological imbalances.

Common Root Causes

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When we want to prevent disease and illness, we have to become aware of common root causes that may trigger disease and illness to happen. If we present with certain symptoms, we shouldn’t assume the cause but digs deeper so we can resolve the problem and not cover it with a bandaid. Common root causes include the following:

~Poor Diet ~Toxins ~Nutrient Deficiencies ~Sleep Problems ~Lack of Movement ~Lack of Community ~Lack of Spirituality ~Physical Trauma ~Drugs (prescription and illegal) ~Beliefs ~Genetic Disposition ~Emotional Stress ~Psychological Stress ~Environmental Stress ~Low Grade Infection

Determining the Root Cause

Determining the root cause of diseases and illnesses can be a complex and multi-faceted process. Here are some general steps that can be followed to identify the underlying causes:

  1. Medical History: Gathering a comprehensive medical history is the first step. It involves understanding the patient’s symptoms, family medical history, previous illnesses, lifestyle factors, and any potential exposures to risk factors. This information will help in establishing a baseline understanding of the individual’s health.
  2. Physical Examination: A thorough physical examination by a healthcare professional can provide important clues about possible causes. They will assess specific signs, symptoms, and abnormalities that may be related to the disease or illness.
  3. Diagnostic Tests: Various laboratory tests, imaging scans, and other diagnostic procedures are often necessary to identify specific markers, pathogens, or abnormalities. These tests may include blood tests, biopsies, genetic tests, and radiological studies. They can help in detecting infections, organ dysfunction, genetic predispositions, or other relevant factors.
  4. Collaboration and Consultation: In complex cases, a multidisciplinary approach involving different specialists like internists, pathologists, radiologists, and geneticists may be required. They can offer different perspectives and expertise to piece together the puzzle of the root cause.
  5. Research and Current Knowledge: Medical research and established scientific knowledge play a crucial role in understanding diseases and their underlying causes. Staying updated on the latest research findings and medical advancements can provide insights into potential causes and treatment options.
  6. Differential Diagnosis: Comparing the patient’s symptoms and test results to a range of potential diseases or conditions is important. The process of elimination helps in narrowing down the possibilities and leads to a more accurate diagnosis.
  7. Patterns and Associations: Identifying patterns and associations among different patients or cases can reveal common factors that may contribute to the disease or illness. This can involve epidemiological studies, investigating outbreaks, or analyzing statistical data.
  8. Solution Response: In some cases, the root cause may become apparent by monitoring how the patient responds to different solutions. If a specific solution improves or eliminates the symptoms, it can indicate the underlying cause.

It is crucial to note that the process of finding the root cause can vary depending on the disease or illness. Some conditions may have a clear-cut cause, while others may be multifactorial or yet to be fully understood. The expertise and collaboration of healthcare professionals, along with ongoing research, are essential for advancements in identifying root causes of diseases and illnesses. Seeking out guidance from those with an understanding of holistic health, functional medicine, and functional nutrition may be beneficial.


Salleh M. R. (2008). Life event, stress and illness. The Malaysian journal of medical sciences : MJMS15(4), 9–18.

Williams P. M. (2001). Techniques for root cause analysis. Proceedings (Baylor University. Medical Center)14(2), 154–157.

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